Commission publishes sub-national names list

The European Commission's Official Journal OJ C 19/11 has today published a 20-page list of names of geographical units smaller than the Member State as referred to in Article 51(1) of Council Regulation 1493/1999 on the common organisation of the market in wine. This list relates to the names of table wines with geographical indications.

Copying without infringing ...

On Thursday 23 March CLT is running a one-day conference at the Cafe Royal in London's Regent Street: it's title is 'Copying Without Infringing: Fair dealing or fair stealing?' and it looks at how far one can use someone else's IP rights without their permission without making themselves legally liable for that use.

Speakers are Lionel Bently (Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Cambridge), Gillian Davies (Hogarth Chambers), Martin Howe QC (8 New Square), John Hull (partner, Eversheds, right), Jennifer Pierce (partner, Charles Russell, left), Timothy Pinto (Taylor Wessing), Christopher Stothers (Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, London) and Paul Walsh (partner, Bristows).

There will be another IPKat competition, the prize being free admission for the day (plus tasty lunch, of course). Details of the competition will be announced in due course. Full details of the programme and booking form here

... but if you prefer Information Technology Law ...

... then there's a CLT programme, also backed by the IPKat, that might just interest you. On 21 March 2006, this time at Jurys Great Russell Street Hotel, London, is the 8th Annual Information Technology Law Update. Topics covered include

* software patenting in the US, the UK and Europe;

* the battle between Microsoft and the European Commission;

* protection of personal data and commercial databases;

* IT contracts and the growing impact of US regulation.

Without opposable thumbs, the IPKat is somewhat
limited in his choice of information technology ...

As usual, there will be an IPKat competition with free entry to the day's programme as the prize for the deserving winner. Watch this space for further details.