Do join our little gathering ...

Last September the IPKat proposed a get-together for sole IP practitioners, for people who work in very small practices and for people who are the only IP experts in their place of work. Well ... we have a date (Thursday 16 February) and we have a time (5pm to 7pm). We're still awaiting confirmation of the venue (which will be in Central London) and the speaker - both of which will be confirmed by the end of the week. Hospitality will be provided and admission is absolutely free of charge.

This get-together will provide a catalyst for discussion of the sorts of problems faced by sole and small practitioners - continuing legal education, keeping up with new developments, access to affordable publications, the pressures of doing work that can't be delegated to others, and so on.

Some of you have already written to the IPKat to express an interest; you will be receiving an email later this week, inviting you to attend. Others may have missed the original announcement. We expect to have between 20 and 30 present, as things stand (and assuming that all the people we know about will be able to attend), but there will be room for more. If you'd like to come, please respond here and let the Kat know.

26 things that RSVP stands for here
Personal autonomy here
Nervous breakdowns here