The January 2006 issue of JIPLP, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (published by Oxford University Press) has some pretty challenging stuff in it. For example
* Toshiko Takenaka (CASRIP, University of Washington) contrasts the US doctrine of patent claim construction with its UK counterpart and makes some sharp observations;

* Abida Chaudri (Bristows) examines the contents of the London Olympics Bill, which makes grim reading for honest traders as well as dishonest ones;

* Susie Middlemiss and Steven Warner (Slaughter and May) say that Lord Justice Aldous' intriguing dicta in Arsenal v Reed indicate a view of passing off as developing a doctrine of dilution; Chris Wadlow (University of East Anglia) says they're wrong - he's talking of a restitutionary remedy to curb unjust enrichment;

* Russell Falconer (Baker Botts) explains the basis of the Washington Redskins case, where trade mark law and political correctness collide.
IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy, who edits JIPLP, is always anxious for feedback and exciting ideas for future features. If there's anything you'd like to tell him, please email him here.

Contents of this issue here