The IPKat had a hard time choosing, but the winner of the IPKat limerick competition, who gets a free place at CLT’s Tenth Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference at the Cafe Royal, near Piccadilly Circus in London's West End on Tuesday 24 Rory Ewins of Edinburgh University. Here is his winning entry:

The businessman's son wasn't dense,
So he hammered a sign to the fence
(Having seen from his dad
All the patents he had):
"For sale: how to sell things, 10 pence."

In second place is Richard English of RETraining with his Budweiser ditty (which technically was comprised of 4 limericks):

It’s disgraceful that Anheuser Busch
Have the brazen-faced cheek now to push
Their rice-water swill
(Which makes me quite ill)
So pleasing they fell on their tush.

When they tried it in our Sceptred Isle
And took the Czech Budvar to trial,
The Law Lords decided
That Busch were misguided
And their Action just wasn’t worthwhile.

So now if you ask for “Budweis”
In England you’ll choose if you're wise
The real stuff from Czech
To pour down your neck,
Not that fizzy muck gourmets despise.

So raise up your glass to the Lords
Give praise that they saw though the frauds
Of Yankee big money
Making drinkers’ lives sunny -
(Puts glass down and loudly applauds).

In joint third place are Graeme Fearon of Thring Townsend and Daryl Penny of Boult Wade Tennant

Graham wrote:

A contest proposed by the Kat,
ent-ailing droll verses an' that,
meant risking your neighbours assessing your labours
as infringing their newly-granted,
valid and subsisting "Method forcomposition of a 5-line metrical structure with rhyming scheme AABBA"business method patent".

While Daryl’s submission went like this:

There was an attorney from Dunn,
Who could patent all under the sun.
He had such a good touch
With excluded matter, as such,
He would file business methods for fun.

The IPKat sends a thousand thank-yous to all who entered. They were all jolly good and you didn’t make it easy for him. Those who weren’t lucky enough to win can still book to go the conference by contacting CLT