The IPKat has received detailed of the following FFII event, hosted by QMIPRI:
"Don't trip on the inventive step"
A meeting on the UKPO Consultation on Inventive Step and Its Relation to Software and Business Process Patents in the UK and EU, organised by FFII-UK.
It is free to attend but as we need to know numbers please let us know if you plan to come by emailing
When: Monday May 22nd 2006, 1730 - 1930
Where: Derek Willoughby Lecture Theatre, John Vane Science Centre, Charterhouse Square, London
Programme (subject to change):
* 1730 - 1800: Drinks and a chance to chat
* 1800: Introduction to the consultation and recent developments in the area by a member of FFII-UK
* 1815 - 1900: Panel
Phillip Johnson, Barrister
Alex Hudson, Association for Free Software UK, Director Strategia Ltd
Dr. Johanna Gibson, QMIPRI
Rufus Pollock, FFII UK chair
* 1900 - 1930: Discussion
* 2000: Supper at a nearby restaurant (if you would like to attend please state this when you rsvp. Note the supper is not free.)
RSVP to:
Acknowledgements: this event is kindly hosted by the Queen Mary IP Research Institute