IP enforcement: request for help
IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy is putting together some notes on what he hopes will be some decent research into the IP Enforcement Directive 2004/48, which was supposed to have been implemented in all European Union Member States by 29 April of this year. Initially he's looking for the following:
* recommendations of good articles and reviews of the Directive and/or the events leading up to it (he doesn't want to miss anything that will help him understand things better) - even if they're not in English;Left: routine examination of suspected counterfeit running shoes
* guidance as to anything which the European Court of Justice might have said, pre-Directive, that will indicate how it will approach the interpretation of the Directive's terms in the likely event that references are made for a preliminary ruling;
* volunteers who will be willing to look over the results of his writing, probably around December, and who are prepared to make critical comments.
If you can be of assistance in regard to any of these areas, please email Jeremy here. All responses will be acknowledged with gratitude.
Latest MIP
The May issue of Euromoney's Managing Intellectual Property is its special INTA Meeting issue, with lots of trade mark- and brand-oriented content. Coincidentally, both halves of the IPKat had articles in this issue: Ilanah reviewed the year's main European Court of Justice decisions, while Jeremy focused on some of the less prominent topics that concerned the national courts over the year, including the nature of evidence and the meaning of the word 'profits' in the assessment of compensation for infringement.
Full list of features here. Subscription details here.