How they steal your card at ATM (photos)


Protect your card and PIN!
See how easy it is for crooks to steal your money:

This is the original post, as written in December 2006
- translated from Italian (source) by Dark Roasted Blend

One surveillance camera in a bank in Italy has captured these images. They clearly show how easily you may be swindled out of your money, while banking at automatic teller (ATM)
Be on guard, and share this information with your friends!

The camera shows someone routinely making a bank deposit:
Banking Finance

but what this person actually doing
is inserting something in the machine:
Banking, Finance, Photography

to make sure that nobody catches him
tampering with the machine, he has
a friend outside to alert him.
Banking, Finance, Photography

Once the trap is set, the victim enters the bank:
Banking, Finance, Photography

He inserts the debit card into ATM, and it gets stuck there!
The victim is surprised: "Weird, maybe this machine is broken?"
He looks around for advice:
Banking, Finance, Photography

Luckily there is someone eager to help to get the card out.
What "the helper" is actually after is the P.I.N. code:
Banking, Finance, Photography

"The Good Samaritan" convinces the victim to try to enter the code again
(he may blame the faulty keypad, new type of the machine,
or claim to know the "secret unblocking code", etc.)
Banking, Finance, Photography

However, the card remains stuck, no matter how many times he punches "Enter"
or "Cancel".
The exasperated victim leaves, realizing he will
have to get his card from the bank later.
Banking, Finance, Photography

As soon as the victim is gone,
"the helper" returns to retrieve the card from the machine.
Now he's got both the card AND the P.I.N..
Banking, Finance, Photography

he withdraws the maximum amount of money
from all accounts on the card, and leaves.
Banking, Finance, Photography

The inserted "card trap" is just a piece of black film,
which blends with black plastic of the ATM.
Banking, Finance, Photography

The trap is inserted into the slot, with the ends slightly
sticking out and glued to the outside,
for an easy withdrawal afterwards.
Banking, Finance, Photography

Once these ends are neatly glued in, it's nearly impossible to tell
if there is any foreign object in the slot.
Banking, Finance, Photography

The trap film also has special notches,
to ensure that the card is not ejected by the machine
when the operation is canceled.
Banking, Finance, Photography

Once the victim is gone, the crook unglues the tips of the trap
and "fishes out" the card.
Never type your PIN in plain view of strangers.
Banking, Finance, Photography

Thanks to Gianlucamat for this warning.
(Translated from Italian by A. Abrams)

UPDATE, December 25, 2006:
Think keeping money in ATM is too risky?
There is always an alternative, you know :)

Banking Finance

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