... for Sweet & Maxwell's Reports of Patent Cases. It might be only half way through November, but issue 1 for 2006 has already been published. It's a bit skinny, containing just one case - the fascinating ruling of Judge Michael Fysh QC in the street lantern dispute of Woodhouse UK v Architectural Lighting Systems on the meaning of the "informed user" in design law (this case was blogged by the IPKat here).
The IPKat just found this little morsel of patent case law on the Butterworth subscription site All England Direct: it's the Patents Court decision today of Mr Justice Patten in Thompson v Patent Office.
Thompson applied for a patent in respect of an invention entitled ‘A means for purveying energy for the future’. The deputy director refused the application on the ground that the invention was incapable of industrial application because it simply did not work. Thompson appealed on the ground that patent law, as it stood, prevented the Patent Office from processing any application claiming either (a) perpetual motion or (b) means for creating energy, because it would be against patent law to do so.
Patten J dismissed Thompson's appeal. He held that the deputy director’s decision was clearly right and was not open to challenge. The Patent Office had to operate within the bounds of science as known; nor was it able to rewrite the laws.
The IPKat's misgivings about the refusal to grant such patents are sufficiently known and need not be repeated. Scientific certainties of bygone eras have been refuted, so why should we expect the laws of science to be 'binding' in the sense that legal laws are?
Eric's history of perpetual motion here
Museum of Unworkable Devices here
Something else that works in theory but not in practice here