1 Cumberland sausage makers mobilise for action

The IPKat has learned from The News & Star that makers of the Cumberland sausage (right) in Cumbria have formed an association in their fight to protect the reputation of traditional Cumberland sausage. After a meeting in Penrith last week, the Cumberland sausage producers’ association was formed, with Austen Davies of Border County Foods as chairman.

The Association will take forward a bid to the European Commission for protected geographical indication (PGI) status. A draft specification has been drawn up and the Association is now putting together a detailed history of the spicy sausage. It is believed that the PGI will be for the term TRADITIONAL CUMBERLAND SAUSAGE, to distinguish it from the various rogue sausages and other life forms (left) that masquerade as Cumberland sausages but are not.

Merpel is feeling a bit dyslexic: this is a case of a PGI for a PIG ...

If you want to help the campaign by providing historical sausage facts, call Veronica Waller on +44 1524 784865.
Cumberland sausage recipes here and here

2 Translation watch

The IPKat is getting quite impatient about the absence of an English-language translation of the French text of Anheuser-Busch v Portugal, the European Court of Human Rights decision of 11 October on the applicability of the first Article of Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (respecting rights of property) to trade marks.

Right: the must-read book for all human rights lawyers

Do any IPKat readers have an English version they can make available?

3 Apologies to our email subscribers

The IPKat has had a problem with his email circulars which he is striving to resolve.

He hopes that the solution will soon be within sight. Please be patient ...