The Telegraph reports that rap star Sean Coomb’s decision to restyle himself as “Diddy” has aggravated one London producer and remix engineer to the extent that he has taken legal action against Coombs. Richard Dearlove of London claims to have been known as Diddy since the age of eight. His lawyer says
"My client was nicknamed Diddy at the age of eight, and has used the name professionally since 1992. He is extremely concerned about the impact the other Diddy will have on his reputation here."
He also claims that Coomb’s new moniker has confused his (Dearlove’s) fans and is hoping to rely on a previous English decision by which a newly formed pop-band was forced to rename itself Liberty X to avoid conflicting with the disbanded Liberty pop-group.
Following a trip to the High Court, the case has been scheduled for next year.
The IPKat says that this may be another example of the problem that he has previously highlighted where an entity with the ability to make itself better known adopts a name in which another, smaller entity has goodwill.