In countries which have a "life plus 70 year" copyright term for authors' works, New Year's Day each year sees a batch of authors' works falling out of copyright protection. Among those who died in 1935, and whose works are no longer protected in life + 70 jurisdictions as from tomorrow morning are the following:
* French anti-militarist and revolutionary writer Henri Barbusse (right);
* Lawrence of Arabia (a.k.a. T. E. Lawrence, right, real name Thomas Edward Lawrence), the Englishman who helped the Arabs fight the Ottoman empire for their independence and who wrote The Seven Pillars of Wisdom;
* Alban Berg, the depressive Austrian composer (painted, left by Schonberg), who wrote a very moving Violin Concerto;
The IPKat says, feel free to post the names of your favourite died-in-1935 authors, artists, composers and dramatists in the Comments slot below. Merpel says, what about the "life-plus-50 years" countries? Let's hear it for people who diied in 1955 too!