The IPKat used to think that the Spaniards were very fond of long names. But after being prompted by his splendidly-named friend Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martínez to blog something on the Advocate General's Opinion in what we English call "the Roche Case", he discovers that long Spanish names are nothing as long as long Luxembourg names for references to the European Court of Justice. "The Roche Case" turns out to be (in full) Case C-539/03 Roche Nederland BV, Roche Diagnostic Systems Inc., NV Roche SA, Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Produits Roche SA, Roche Products Ltd, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Hoffmann-La Roche Wien GmbH and Roche AB v Frederick Primus and Milton Goldenberg.
This case asks whether Article 6.1 of the Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction etc allows a patent owner to sue all defendants in a multi-jurisdictional patent infringement dispute in the home court of just one of them, if that one is the 'spider in the web' who controls all the other infringements. Article 6.1 provides: "A person domiciled in a Contracting State may also be sued: 1. where he is one of a number of defendants, in the courts for the place where any one of them is domiciled".
L’article 6, point 1, de la convention du 27 septembre 1968 concernant la compétence judiciaire et l’exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale ... doit être interprété en ce sens qu’il n’a pas vocation à s’appliquer dans le cadre d’un litige en contrefaçon de brevet européen mettant en cause plusieurs sociétés, établies dans différents États contractants, pour des faits qui auraient été commis sur le territoire de chacun de ces États, même dans l’hypothèse où lesdites sociétés, appartenant à un même groupe, auraient agi de manière identique ou similaire, conformément à une politique commune qui aurait été élaborée par une seule d’entre elles.has become this
Article 6, point 1, of the convention of September 27, 1968 concerning the jurisdiction and the execution of the decisions in civil and commercial matters ... should be interpreted in the sense that it does not have vocation to apply within the framework of a litigation in counterfeit of European patent blaming several companies, established in various contracting States, for facts which would have been made on the territory of each one of these States, even on the assumption that the aforementioned companies, pertaining to the same group, would have acted in an identical or similar way, in accordance with a common policy which would have been worked out by only one of them.Er, whatever ...
Hoffmann-La Roche here
Tales of Hoffmann here and here
Another Tale of Hoffmann here
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