The IPKat notes how easy it seems to be to bring infringement claims of this nature; they also have great nuisance value. BUT in situations such as these, copyright infringement requires proof of copying and, the more obscure the original work, the greater the difficulty the claimant will have in shifting the burden of proof.
The December 2005/January 2006 issue of Intellectual Asset Management, published by Globe White Page, has now been published. The IPKat always enjoys its articles, which are well researched, current and crafted to be of maximum interest to the target readership of tough-guy IP owners and their attorneys.
European Commercial Cases
Part 6 (i.e. the last issue for 2005) of Sweet & Maxwell's European Commercial Cases has now been published. It contains a report on Lopez v Philibert, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris decision in which the teacher in Etre et Avoir lost his claim to be considered the author of the lessons that were the subject of a successful film.