BBC reminder

Today's BBC Radio 4 "Word of Mouth" programme (4pm, British Summer Time) deals with trade marks. Details here

Listen to BBC Radio 4 online here

New website

IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy has been trying to sort out a website containing basic information about his activities, background, future engagements and contact coordinates. For ease of management he has used Blogger software, but it's not a blog. If you'd like to visit it, you can find it here.

Improve Your IP Writing Skills course

Last week the IPKat posted arrangements for the first three half-day courses on how to improve your intellectual property writing skills. Initial take-up has been very encouraging - the IPKat will be writing later this week to all of you who expressed your interest. Right now it looks as though all three dates will be viable. If you've not yet expressed an interest but wish to do so, please email the IPKat here.