Improve Your IP Writing Skills - the course

Last week the IPKat announced three dates for a half-day course on how to improve your intellectual property writing skills. He's pleased to say that the initial response has been very good. If you have emailed to express your interest or to seek further information but have not yet received a response, you will do so within the next couple of days.

The 5 June course has only a few spaces left; there are rather more spaces left for the courses on 4 July and 11 September, but they'll be going ahead anyway.

Email here if you want to reserve a place or if you want to receive a copy of the course details (a copy will automatically be sent to everyone who has already contacted the IPKat).

Coming soon .. the INTA

The International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting takes place from 7 to 10 May in Toronto. Co-blogmeister Jeremy will be there. If you're there too, you're welcome to come and say hello. He's usually in the vicinity of the Exhibit Hall when it's open.

On Monday 8 May he'll be near the Thomson Sweet & Maxwell booth, giving out sample copies of the European Trade Mark Reports and European Copyright and Design Reports.

On Tuesday 9 May, 10.45am to 12.15pm, he'll be at the Edward Elgar booth, to mark the launch of Trade Marks at the Limit, a collection of essays he's edited.

On Wednesday 10 May, 10.30am to 12.30pm, he will be at the Oxford University Press booth, along with other Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice Editorial Boardies.

Details of all the publications mentioned above can be found here.

There will also be a 'Meet the Bloggers' session, generously sponsored by much-loved philanthropists John Welch (the TTABlog) and Marty Schwimmer (The Trademark Blog) on the evening of Tuesday 9 May, from 9.30pm to midnight at BeerBistro, which is said to be near the conference hotels. Even though it is unclear whether this session is accredited for continuing professional education purposes, you are welcome to attend it - particularly if you are (i) an IP blogger, (ii) a person who reads IP blogs or (iii) anyone else.

The INTA 5K Run

For the first, and probably last, time in his life Jeremy is participating in the INTA 5K Run on Tuesday 9 May, more or less to see if he actually can do the distance. Since he doesn't like to expend any effort completely in vain, he's using this as an opportunity for collecting for a couple of charities. If you enjoy the IPKat weblog and feel guilty about the fact that it's totally free, you can clear your conscience by making a charitable donation which, with a bit of luck, will be tax-deductible. Details are available on Jeremy's website.