Latest IP&T

The April issue of Butterworths' Intellectual Property and Technology Cases, the paper copy of cases reported on LexisNexis' online IP&T service, has now been published. Cases in this issue are
* SmithKline Beecham plc v Apotex Europe (Court of Appeal) - the sort of report you pray you never have to read, with all sorts of annoyingly technical issues in it such as estoppel, the slip rule, amendments of cross-undertakings and, from a purely practical point of view, how to keep awake while reading complex patent cases ...

* Ranbaxy UK Ltd v Warner-Lambert Co (Pumfrey J) - the UK patent infringement and validity litigation concerning the controversial LIPITOR patent;

* IN Newman Ltd v Adlem (Court of Appeal) - exciting passing-off dispute involving the question whether an undertaker has the right to use his own name after he has sold a business incorporating that name;

* Ltd v Patent Office (Pumfrey J) - non-patentability of an invention consisting of a way of playing a lottery via the internet.

That 5K run

IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy is doing the INTA 5K run on Tuesday 9 May (see recent post) and hopes to make it a focal point for raising some cash for charity. Donations are coming in, but still a little slowly. If you'd like to donate, details - and running total - can be found on Jeremy's page here.