Have you changed yet?

An info-note from OHIM President Wubbo de Boer reminds the IPKat that, while all OHIM websites ending in .int will carry on working for the time being, they will be replaced by .eu top level domain names at the end of the transition period. At the end of this period (why won't they tell us now when that date is, moans Merpel) the .int addresses will cease to function, so let's all change them now. The main Office domain name will be www.oami.europa.eu; emails will have to be sent to name.surname@oami.europa.eu - get it?

Whoops, it's that IP Review again

Sorting out his pile of papers, the IPKat has just rediscovered his copy of the Spring 2006 issue of IP Review, which he read on the flight to Toronto for the International Trademark Association Meeting and then promptly mis-filed. It's grown to 44 pages (if you count the covers as pages), leading with an article on eBay's "community approach" to IP protection.

The IPKat thinks it's quite fashionable nowadays to knock eBay, since it's used by many people for selling counterfeit or infringinging products. In truth, however much eBay does - short of closing itself down - will never be enough to satisfy any business that finds itself competing with illicit products sold via internet market sites. However, the level of eBay's concern and its willingness to talk with IP owners is a reassuring step in the right direction.

There's also a very pro-patent exploitation piece by Thinkfire V-P Peter Spours and some cute photos from the CPA/IAM "The Business of IP" conference.

For details of this issue and for archival materials from earlier issues click here