May EIPR - read grey

May’s luscious EIPR has been out for more than a week and is itching to be read. Peel back the covers for:

*Antoine Masson (University of Luxembourg Law School) on database protection
*Pierre Valentin (Withers) on droite de suite
*Tania Cheng (University of Glamorgan) on copyright protection for modern art and the problems of dead cows

It's grey (right) - but's it's not as much fun to read as the EIPR

*David Vaver and Shamnad Basheer (Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre) Europe’s approach to medicine, public health and patents in the light of the TRIPs Agreement
*Benedict Bird and Adrian Toutougani (Linklaters) on two years of the EC Tech Transfer Regulation
*The usual collection of comments, case notes and book reviews


The IPKat (half of him anyway) will be partying on down with fellow bloggers on Tuesday 9 May at the ‘Meet the Bloggers’ session at the Beer Bistro, 18 King Street East (at Yonge Street).

The Alliance (left) can expect some more members...

All trade mark types are welcome, and an extra beer is on offer to anyone who manages to (i) sing the Canadian national anthem backwards which standing on one leg or (ii) persuade blogmeister Jeremy that the protection of traditional knowledge is really a very good thing.