A Few Links That Calvin (and Hobbes) Would Like

Link - article by Avi Abrams

A Few Links That Calvin (and Hobbes) Would Like

First, some "words of wisdom" from these guys: (more here)

"I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

"Susie, do you hate being a girl? What's it like? Is it like being a bug? I imagine bugs and girls have a dim perception that nature played a cruel trick on them, but they lack the intelligence to comprehend the magnitude of it"

Calvin: "Do you believe in the devil? You know, a supreme evil being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, and destruction of man?
Hobbes: "I am not sure that man needs the help"


Calvin: Dad, how come old photographs are always black and white? Didn't they
have color film back then?

Dad: Sure they did. In fact, those old photographs are in color. It's just the
world was black and white then.

Calvin: Really?

Dad: Yep. The world didn't turn color until sometime in the 1930s, and it was pretty grainy color for a while, too.

Calvin: That's really weird.

Dad: Well, truth is stranger than fiction.

Calvin: But then why are old paintings in color?! If their world was black and white, wouldn't artists have painted it that way?

Dad: Not necessarily. A lot of great artists were insane.

Calvin: But... but how could they have painted in color anyway? Wouldn't their paints have been shades of gray back then?

Dad: Of course, but they turned colors like everything else did in the '30s.

Calvin: So why didn't old black and white photos turn color too?

Dad: Because they were color pictures of black and white, remember?


And now, a few LARGER THAN LIFE links:

- At this site (check out its web address, too!) you can find "A List of the Most Expensive Things in the World" (pretty up-to-date, arranged by category)

- Here is "The Biggest Blog" Project: a historical undertaking aiming to preserve a day in the life of the human race (and create the most humongous blog while doing this)

-Here is a list of 30 Wackiest Inventions (all made by Germans). It's in German, but even more fun this way. See if you can figure out what these gimmicks are for. Then go and come up with even more uses for some everyday objects. Connect with your inner Calvin.