1962 Custom Corvette Conversion... too cool for words
Custom coach building is alive and well in America, with some examples transcending the usual kitsch and commercialism, some possibly reaching the rarefied atmosphere of automotive high art. Witness the blend of past, present and future styling in this recent CRC custom:
"Classic Reflection Coachworks" (or CRC) of Lakewood, WA, came up with a nice 1962 conversion for the 1999 to 2004 C5 Corvette. You supply the Corvette (through the form on their website), CRC will turn it into a "modern legend".
The appeal of such cars (beside the fact that you see them more in your dreams than on the street) is the opportunity to blend various styles and design clues together, to put excitement and fun back into the old familiar shapes, to haunt our thoughts with these... wide-eyed round headlights and muscle-cat curves once again.
I like the roadster version the best... the lines seem to flow more naturally there. The modern roof of other CRC versions seems a bit out of place with the rest of the design, reminding me of such awkward-looking cars as "Excalibur" and "Stutz" (just look at that "Stutz" thing below and shudder).
1962 CRC seems to have fared better with its conversion design. It has the certain suppleness of curves, very much suggestive of the groovy sixties. John & Marilyn, the happy owners of one such CRC roadster, have a few more pictures on their homepage.
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