Compare These Hard Drives


Are you complaining that your iPod does not have enough storage capacity?
These pictures will help you to put things in perspective:

5MB Hard Disk in 1956....

Computer Technology

In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data....
(source PCWorld)

Computer Technology
Computer Technology
Computer Technology

This was a huge improvement over the ENIAC, built in 1946:

Computer Technology


The Sixties:
IBM 1311 disk storage drive (center picture):

Computer Technology

Computer Technology

(source IBM Archives)

The Seventies:

IBM 3310 direct access storage (64 MB per unit):

Computer Technology

HD from 1979; 250 MB

Things in 1985 looked a little better:

Computer Technology

...and if you want to speculate about the future, here is the top secret picture of how Google is going to get all the hard drive space for GMail:

Computer Technology

Google Server Farm Building:

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