You never thought you really WANTED these things...
but now you most certainly DO.
Powerful Advertising at work:
New art media:
suction power of the news...
and of a latest vacuum cleaner...
Cars and animals:
Cars as insects:
That's outrageous!
Even more outrageous! -
various car manufacturers go on offensive with one company clearly a winner:
Very Cool Idea
I just love these :)
If only women spent less time cooking:
Weirdest ads:
No ad compilation would be complete without
"Absolut" or "Smirnoff" variations:
News from the pop front:
One day in the battle between Coke & Pepsi:
and between Apple and PC:
A worthy IDEA:
Finally, a HAZARDOUS MATERIAL warning:
Sources: Ziza, Advertka, Karaul
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