"In Soviet Russia, Car Drives You!" - PART 1
Some of the pictures you may have seen before, but I decided to put them up in one collection, just to emphasize that.. well, in Soviet Russia (and in modern Russia too) motorist's life can be somewhat complicated.
Russians "love affair with cars" starts early, from the very infancy:
Throughout their life they are indoctrinated with propaganda:
So they are very eager to drive, but the roads aren't that good. For the description of the road to Yakutsk see this post, however inside Yakutsk City situation is not much better:
...and elsewhere:
2. Here is what happens in the country
(Russian off-roading):
...on the way to the honeymoon:
it's probably not a good idea to ask
this particular bride to push your car:
3. Russian All-Terrain Vehicle Mods
If Jeeps and Hummers aren't available (or affordable),
there is always do-it-yourself:
for a look inside some Russian cars, and more -
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