Old NASCAR racecars are being restored for historic racing events and shows. Mike Gulett blogs about the second coming of NASCAR racecars.

Early 1980s Buicks: Kelly
American Challenge (V6), top, and Bobby Allison's
NASCAR #22  at Black
Lake, GM Proving Grounds, Milford, MI.

Back in the day, NASCAR racecars that actually survived a season were often parted out and key goodies used to assemble lower-powered machines that often saw service on small dirt tracks. In many cases, chassis were picked clean and the remains neglected. Complete top-tier survivors were rare, but they are now turning up ready to do battle on a variety of tracks under the auspices of historic racing organizations.

They have been invited to participate in prestigious events like the Goodwood Festival of Speed (UK) and major historic races in the U.S. Mike Gulett visits a few vintage NASCAR warriors, ready for sport or show, at Club Auto Sport in San Jose, CA.

Check it out at My Car Quest,