Retro Potpourri, Part 2


read Part 1 here

Stylish Retro Photography of
"Drive Back in Time"

Many more galleries here

Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

The Forties

The following are the photographs of real girl-workers (not models) in Washington factories in 1944:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

The Thirties

Glamour movie magazines from France:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Dina Durbin (in the middle):
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
While in Stalinist Russia:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Cool poster:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

Turn of the Century
Russian advertisement posters:
- tea
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
- gun-powder
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
- pop drinks
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

First traffic light in London:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

Tea with the Victorian family:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

Advances in technology:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques
A romantic Victorian postcard:
Vintage art, Photography, Antiques

Sources: VintagePhoto, DirtyRu, Botinok

Read Part 1 - Click here

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