Tropical Rainforest (photos)


Magical Amazon Kingdom
Some photos were also taken in Equador. Click to enlarge.

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Travel, Photography, Cameras

Images from
Not sure who the actual photographers are. If you have any info, let me know.

The cute eyes of this caterpillar are fake. The actual ones are much smaller, located lower.
Travel, Photography, Cameras
Travel, Photography, Cameras
photo byInge Fauskanger

Another beautiful bug from Equador:
Travel, Photography, Cameras
photo byWanze

Also check out a nice Flickr set of the ant portraits here

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