Ormskirk MotorFest pictures

THE FIRST pictures from today's Ormskirk MotorFest...

Champion reporter David Simister not only covered the event, but also took part in it, doing several laps of the MotorFest circuit in his 1972 MGB GT.

Among the event's big draws were a Ferrari Enzo formerly owned by rock star Rod Stewart, a top fuel dragster, and a host of racing bikes and ex-F1 cars.

A special online magazine produced by Life On Cars as a guide to the event has also been well received, and since been published earlier this week has been read by more than 250 people.

A full report from the show and a special Champion video will be uploaded in the next few days, so Life On Cars will keep you posted!

Have you been to the Ormskirk MotorFest? Let us know what you thought of it by sending an email to david.simister@champnews.com