It's Spring - and the April JIPLP has arrived

The IPKat's personal copy of the April 2006 Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice has just been prised from its wrapping. This issue includes the following gems:
* Mark E. Nikolsky (McCarter & English, New Jersey), "Expansion of the US ‘safe harbour’ provisions—an American perspective", showing when and how you can carry on pharma research without risk of patent liability (abstract here);

* Arnaud Folliard-Monguiral (OHIM) and David Rogers (EPO), "Significant 2005 case law on the Community trade mark from the Court of First Instance, the European Court of Justice and OHIM" - a tour de force in which an entire year's output of caselaw has been synthesized and tabulated for ease of use and reference (abstract here);

* Alan Fiddes (Urquhart-Dykes & Lord), "Human rights and trade mark rights", shows how failure to grant a celebrity adequate trade mark protection for his own name may violate a body of law that has only recently been seen as relevant to IP law (abstract here);

* Guido Westkamp (Queen Mary), "Hyperlinks, circumvention technology and contributory infringement—a precarious tale from German jurisprudence", which makes the reader ask whether German courts over-conceptualise IP law and risk missing the commercial issues (abstract here).
Full details of contents and abstracts here
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