A True Story of Modern-Day "Mad Scientist" and His Victim.

Link - article by Avi Abrams

Overheard on the radio: a true story from Alberta, Canada

A certain young man (no name given) was hiding in his parents' garage for months, tinkering with all sorts of chemicals in his self-proclaimed "laboratory". When one of his friends came to visit, there was a huge enthusiasm:

"You're just in time to witness my breakthrough and a total triumph! I've put together a solution that is going to change the world! Would you like to try it?"

"Well, what does it do?"

"If you drink it, it will make you fly! It is a solution that works on a gravity-defying principle - it will fill your veins, spread across your body, and you will float in the air like a bird, or a balloon!"

At first his friend was not convinced, as he looked in doubt at the bottles for the "solution" ingredients, each one sporting a big flashy "POISON" label.

"Don't worry, it's not really what on the labels. I stuck them on to scare the others!.."

You can pause here in disbelief, dear reader, but yes, you guessed correctly how the story ends...

This boy (only a teenager) drank the noxious black liquid, and shortly - his screams were heard all over the neighborhood. His mother sent for help, and the doctors assured her that he will be alright, in time.

Well, doesn't it sound like a good contender for a Darwin Award? I just can't believe how such gullibility can exist today!

Here is a picture to inspire you to try other "bright ideas", but for goodness sake, do not test them on your friends or family members! (for that matter do not test them on yourself either). Try some common sense first.

(image credit: Andre Kutscherauer, 2006, CG Society)