Wooden Laptop Design - a new fad from Japan

Link - by A. Abrams

A steampunk dream come true!

These fabulous Japanese designers seem to have raised the bar for laptop technology and fashion... again. Not only is this model made out of wood (and a bunch of original 1930's typewriter parts), but - guess what - it actually works, and includes all the hi-tech features that you'd expect from a respectable laptop:

Couple of USB ports? Check. Ethernet, wireless, DVD drive? Check. Who cares that it's impossible to open the thing and actually see the wiring? You can smell the wood - an exquisite choice of wood! What's more, the interior design iron works company that makes this electronic marvel, shows quite a few other creative projects in its portoflio (see its "heavy metal" style, for example)

(images credit: IronWork)

This Japanese "iron works" company also shows on its site a glimpse of another (bigger) desktop computer (plus the whole steampunk-styled office set surrounding it, complete with the antique office chair!):

(images credit: IronWork)

Also worthy of mention among the "steampunk'd" computers, here is The ElectriClerk, manufactured in America - a retro-futuristic case mod, inspired by Terry Gilliam' "Brazil" movie and - just maybe - H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu visions:

(image credit: Ahleman)

It's fully functional, albeit with an ancient 1988 Mac SE inside.

BTW, all this futuristic/retro stuff may sometimes work in pretty unexpected ways:

(image credit: Pandamonium)

Article by Avi Abrams, Dark Roasted Blend.

See our "Steampunk" category for more!