Attack of the Wacky Signs, Part 1

Link - by Avi Abrams

Weird Signs of the World

These signs warn you of some truly horrendous things that could happen to you. For example you might fall prey to the Cthulhu monsters (you know, the ones from H. P. Lovecraft stories):

(images via 1, 2, 3, 4)

Or get threatened by the crazed digger (how crazy exactly? well, consider the "climbing" one on the right):

You could get blasted by a powerful spell of Gandalf:

Or end up ambushed by a truly wild bunch of Russians, "bear"-ing at you (this is also a poster for a game, seen on Moscow streets):

(image credit: Nikolai Dichtyarenko)

You might end up lured to the untimely death by a funeral home advertisement:

(on the right is banned advertisement, it did not go into print... wise decision)

... or imperil your offsprings by bouts of irresponsible drinking:

After all this excitement you might need to put your pants through a wash:

And remember, the Big Brother is watching you:

(image via)

... no matter where you are, or what you do:

(Stormtrooper images via)

More of the good old highway entertainment:

The one below left is a Photoshop job, but a quite entertaining one (head-scratching, rather). The sign on the right is real, and was photographed by author Melissa Taylor:

(images credit: 1, 2)

Here is a couple of "STOP" signs to chill your soul:

Truly a "no-brainer":

A cool store for your Fluffy:

(image sources: Exler.Ru, Velcro-City, SwankSigns, Engrish)



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