"QUANTUM SHOT" #89 Link - by Avi Abrams Like some Godzilla monster, the giant crane looms over the city Early in the morning it arrives at the city dock to begin the bridge construction for the man-made island in Kagoshima bay. Boom length: 132m. Lifting capacity: 3700 tons! It's "Yoshida" - Japanese biggest floating crane, built by Mitsubishi heavy Industries Division. The task is to lift the whole bridge sections, each weighing approx. 3500 tonnes: Each hook is 10 meters tall. The workers around it look as small as a bunch of ants... Some 800 steps lead to the tip of the boom, and to the small cabin on top. (image sources: Jikky, Nifty) All in a day's job - transporting a submarine The Japanese submarine SS-600 Mochishio is lifted and transported at the Kobe Kawasaki yard. The Mochishio is the last of the Oyashio class and is approximately 84m in length: (image sources: Jikky, Nifty) Safety First! Large shipping cranes... or crane vessels... - all require lots of TLC in operation; as the following unfortunate example amply demonstrates: (image via) CONTINUE TO THE ULTIMATE MOVING: TROLL-A GAS PLATFORM! -> READ THE WHOLE SERIES HERE ->