At last ... it's JIPLP

Issue 1 of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, published monthly by Oxford University Press, has now been released. IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy, who edits it, would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this project from its inception.

Below, left: JIPLP launches with an exciting half-day programme and champagne reception next Monday

The contents of this issue include articles by Olivier Vrins (Altius) and Marius Schneider (Gevers) on trade mark use in respect of goods in transit through the European Union, Sheldon Burshtein (Blake Cassels & Graydon) on whether domain names are property, Ewan Nettleton and Brian Cordery (Bristows) on groundless threats actions, and by Jeremy himself on the deployment of non-IP specialist judges in applications for summary judgment and striking out. Other features include a Practice Point by Ian Karet and Nemone Franks (Linklaters) on the expert witnesses and a State of Art view of IP harmonisation.

Subscribers can read all JIPLP's contents via its advance access feature, which enables them to read articles, notes and comments as soon as they have been set for publication instead of having to wait for them to be printed and posted. Full contents of issue 1 here.